
Metals and Alloys

Remember the week in chemistry class when you learned about metals and alloys? No? Well, neither do we, but we should have paid more attention. Low and behold, that week of metals and alloys haunts us everyday. As it turns out, everything we use in our daily lives either have a metal or alloy in it. This includes jewelery. Refresh your memory without the torture of chemistry class. 

Metal Mania

Where would we be without metals? They on the Periodic Table of Elements. * '''will quickly tarnish. * '''Iron is found in this group. These metals have a high boiling and melting points, are active catalysts, and have a high density.


Simply put, alloy is a mixture of two or more metals; or, a metal with a non75085.shtml'>courtesy of Softpedia. * Brass is formed from a combination of zinc and copper * The anicent metal, bronze, is made of copper and tin. * Silicon is the dominant element in aluminum, along with traces of copper, zinc, manganese, iron, and nickel, * The five cent coin (Nickel) is a mixture of copper and nickel. * Iron and carbon combine to form steel used in building frames.

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